Why is Greek Olive Oil the Best?
Natalie WheenDid you know Olive Oils taste, smell, and even have different benefits depending on the countries and regions in which they are grown and produced? There are various olive species, but the region’s climate, soil condition, season, time of harvesting, the oil-producing and storing method also massively contributes to the taste and the quality.

Olive oils are most associated with Spain, Italy, and Greece as they are the three biggest distributors of olive oils in the world. With so many varieties of Olive Oils, it’s not surprising why many olive oil fanatics have wondered where the best olive oils come from. The answer is simple! Greek Olive Oils are the best in the world.
Here’s why.
Taste and Flavours
High-quality olive oils are usually recognised from their taste- bitterness, pungency, and fruitiness of the oil. Its aroma also indicates its freshness and olive quality. Greek Olive Oils are usually made from green olives, and depending on the region, they can have a bit of fruity, grassy, and peppery taste. They are also known to have low acidity and peroxides, making them premium quality.
They also have less intrusive flavours, and their smooth, creamy, and light textures complement any food and recipe.
Health Benefits
Compared to Olive Oils from other countries, Greek olive oils are known to contain more polyphenols which are reducing agents known to protect our body’s tissues from oxidative stress and associated pathologies such as cancer, inflammations, and heart diseases.
How they are made and produced
As we mentioned already, the way olive oils are produced contributes largely to their quality. Olives that are damaged and left out too long can start fermenting, affecting the oil’s taste and aroma.
Oils pressed freshly after harvesting on the same day are confirmed to be better quality oils. So, if brought from a good supplier who has the correct technique to harvest olives, produce and store olive oils, you will be guaranteed to get high-quality oils.
At Avlaki, we care about the quality of the olives we grow, harvest, and the techniques we use to produce them. We are proud to confirm that our Greek Organic Olive Oils are of premium quality. Browse our most recent harvest, or why not try our taster sets to explore all our olive oils.
Non-mixed Olive Oils
Greece is one of the largest exporters to Italy who are now recognised as a top distributor of Olive Oils. Many oils from Italy can be imported from different counties, including Greece, and even mixed with other oils (some with even bad oils), affecting the quality, taste, and nutrients they carry massively.
Recent research has also discovered that 99% of the nutrients found in good olive oils are usually missing from commercially produced oils, so it is best to avoid these.
Greek Olive Oils, which usually have green labels, are usually not blended or mixed oils- harvested and bottled freshly. However, it is always important to check the labels and research different suppliers for great quality Olive Oils.
At Avlaki, our Olives Oils are freshly harvested, milled, and bottled on the same day. We guarantee that we do not mix or blend our oils and offer only premium quality extra virgin organic olive oils.
History and Life Span
Greek island has found fossilized olive leaves that date back 50 to 60,000 years, meaning Greece has a lot of time and experience harvesting olives.
People who live in different parts of Greece, such as Crete, are known to have one of the longest life spans and have a low risk of heart diseases. Now, we are not saying that Greek olive oils are the only contributing factor to this, but Olive Oils are a massive part of Greek culture, with every recipe one way or another incorporating olive oil.
Avlaki Olive Oils are the best in the world
At Avlaki, we are dedicated to producing high-quality organic olive oils you will enjoy tasting and cooking with. If you haven’t tried our range already, we highly encourage you to try them now- either choose from one of our taster sets or our current harvest range.
If you are wondering what kind of recipes you can try with our oils, check out our article that lists the three most olive oil-based recipes here!